The Healthy Dating Project

This Course Will Teach You How To: 

Learn How to Engage a Healthy Dating Season That Sets You Up For a Successful Marriage.

What Will This Course Do For You?

  • Learn how to date well
  • How to set physical and emotional boundaries, and how to have those conversations
  • ​How to ask people out and get asked out
  • Understanding what you want in a partner
  • How to healthily let the man lead, where she feels covered and protected, and he rejects passivity
  • ​How to not place one another in your 'God spot'
  • How to See Red Flags and know when to keep fighting
  • How to trust one another, and appropriately let love in
  • ​How to lower the stakes in the dating exploration
  • ​Set you up for healthy Marriage
Here's How The Program Works!

Purchase the Healthy Dating Project

Go Through the Hours of Training Content

Put into Practice the Teachings and Concepts

Why Would You Do This?

You are one of two people:
1. You are currently in a dating relationship
2. You are actually thinking about dating again

Whichever one it is, tell me if this sounds like you…

You’re dating someone now, and all of the sudden, there are some issues arising.
You guys will fight, and you wonder if that’s normal, and if you are meant for each other.
Or you’re not fighting, and that feels wrong too or like a warning sign.

When you try to have tough conversations, someone always gets triggered and it leads into an unproductive fight….and it never has resolution. The conflict is pushed under the rug.

You don’t fully trust this person yet, but you want to. You just don’t know how to.

You have crossed some physical boundaries you said you wouldn’t, and now shame, fear, and other emotions are coming up, and you don’t know how to stop.

Or, you’re afraid you may cross some boundaries because you can’t seem to have a clear conversation to set those boundaries.
Same for emotional boundaries...are you sharing too much too soon, not sharing enough? When is the natural and appropriate time to vulnerably share fears, triggers, past pain, and how to talk about those things?

You wonder when is it right to meet their parents? Or you did meet the parents, and all sorts of reactions or emotions have come up either in you, or your partner.

You really want this to move towards more commitment and eventually marriage. You’re just not sure you're on the right path.

Getting advice or help from your parents doesn't feel right because their relationship isn’t even one you want to model. Shoot, they are really messed up, or have had a divorce already.

You don’t have the ability to have a pastor or a mentor there for you from church, because you feel ashamed to share some of these things, or a fear you will be judged.

You would love to have direction, mentorship, and accountability, and to be around some other couples striving for the same dating goals as you.

If that's you, this course is EXACTLY what you need.

  • Learn how to date well
  • How to set physical and emotional boundaries, and how to have those conversations
  • ​How to ask people out and get asked out
  • Understanding what you want in a partner
  • How to healthily let the man lead, where she feels covered and protected, and he rejects passivity
  • ​How to not place one another in your 'God spot'
  • How to See Red Flags and know when to keep fighting
  • How to trust one another, and appropriately let love in
  • ​How to lower the stakes in the dating process 
  • ​Set you up for healthy Marriage
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